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The Big Q: Banning the bomb: are the days of nuclear weapons numbered? July 15, 2019

The Big Q: Banning the bomb: are the days of nuclear weapons numbered? July 15, 2019

The Big Q: Banning the bomb: are the days of nuclear weapons numbered? July 15, 2019 The Big Q: Banning the bomb: are the days of nuclear weapons numbered? July 15, 2019, 31.74 MB
Monday, July 15, 2019

In 2017, the United Nations General Assembly passed a mandate to negotiate a treaty that would ban nuclear weapons. While the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons passed 122 votes to 1, no nuclear state or NATO member other than the Netherlands voted on the resolution. Seventy nations have signed the treaty and twenty-three have ratified it. When it reaches fifty ratifying parties it will be in force. However, many doubt its effectiveness without the support of any of the nine nuclear states. Doug Becker discusses the treaty and the issue of nuclear non-proliferation with Ira Helfand and Wayne Glass.

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